Thursday, March 5, 2009


Well, officially winter is now over, and if you’re wondering it does seem very odd for me to be saying that in the beginning of March. Last week was quite cold but this week has been progressively getting warmer. Today the local high temperature was 2 degrees and the overnight low was only minus 1. The change is quite noticeable, by the time I was on my way home from work today just about all of the roads had thawed out and I went for a run and found that many of the paths had slush on them instead of snow.

The last couple of days I’ve also noticed that the snow seems moving off many of the roofs in town. One of two things is happening which both look really cool. With the warming weather the snow is melting in one way or another and either the whole sheet of snow covering the roof is sliding gradually down and curling over the edge forming 200mm thick white curtains hanging on the buildings. Or the snow is melting to water against the roof and then the run off is re-freezing as it leaves the roof forming quite impressive lines of stalactites hanging from the edge of the roof.

I am hoping that it gets cold again (yes it is a strange thing for me to be saying). Last week I was lent a pair of cross county skis and so far I’ve only used them for half an hour. I didn’t really have time to get the hang of them and the shoes I was provided are too small and don’t match the skis which did not help. I found a cheap pair of shoes in the supermarket yesterday which should match the skis but if all the snow is going to thaw out it may not be worth buying them. The forecast for next week is colder than today but only barely with forecast highs of 0.

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